Lennard Lee
DPhil, MA (Cantab), BmBCh (Oxon)
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR- Junior Group leader
- NHSE national clinical advisor on early diagnosis, and the NHS Cancer Vaccine Launchpad
- Senior clinical advisor, Office for Life Sciences and national cancer vaccine lead
- Honorary consultant in Medical Oncology, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Scientific Lead, Independent SAGE
Lennard was appointed to Oxford University in one of the silver lining roles in 2023, from NDM's successes in developing the COVID-19 vacine. He is national lead on the UK's cancer vaccine advance. This is a three pronged UK policy to firstly initiate a global advance of cancer vaccines, secondly to start trials across early/late stage cancers across multiple subtypes, and finally to have 10,000 patients through clinical trials by 2030.
This involves founding and facilitating the NHS Cancer vaccine launchpad, a national system to facilitate enrolment into cancer vaccine trials. His team also maintains the UK Cancer Vaccine bulletin, a monthly newsletter to clinicians in the UK. Through work with UK government officials, he has a role in bridging the clinical community to emergent industrial opportunities to ensure that all involved have optimal experiences of cancer vaccine develompent in the UK.
He is an accomplished Oxford University physician with a successful track record in delivering strategic national projects. Combing academic expertise with effective project management and the strongest background in healthcare, Lennard has made significant contributions in advancing projects for healthcare systems, industrial partners, government and those affected by cancer.
He has received numerous awards for his efforts, including the National ACP McElwain Prize for work during the pandemic, and the IAP’s 21 Outstanding Young Physicians award, given to individuals under the age of 40 who have made outstanding contributions to the field. He has a strong track record of academic achievements, with over 50 publications in the highest impact journals, including the Lancet and JAMA.
Recent publications
Journal article
Greenhalgh T. et al, (2024), Nature protocols
Journal article
Leston M. et al, (2024), JMIR Research Protocols
Leston M. et al, (2024)
Journal article
Starkey T. et al, (2023), Scientific reports, 13
Journal article
Suribhatla R. et al, (2023), British journal of haematology, 201, 813 - 823