Immunization with a tumor-associated CTL epitope plus a tumor-related or unrelated Th1 helper peptide elicits protective CTL immunity.
Casares N., Lasarte JJ., de Cerio AL., Sarobe P., Ruiz M., Melero I., Prieto J., Borrás-Cuesta F.
Immunization with cytotoxic T cell epitope SPSYVYHQF (AH1), derived from MuLV gp70 envelope protein expressed by CT26 tumor cells, does not protect BALB/c mice against challenge with CT26 tumor cells. By contrast, immunization with AH1 plus T helper peptides OVA(323-337) or SWM(106-118) eliciting Th1 and Th0 profiles, protected 83% and 33% of mice, respectively. Interestingly, immunization with AH1 plus both helper peptides reverted the efficacy to 33%. We identified the endogenous T helper peptide p(320-333) from gp70 which elicits a Th1 profile and is naturally processed. As for OVA(323-337), immunization with p(320-333) alone did not protect against tumor challenge. However, p(320-333) plus AH1 protected 89% of mice at day 10 after vaccination. Only 20% of mice vaccinated with AH1 + OVA(323-337) or AH1 + p(320-333) were protected when challenged 80 days after immunization. Treatment with OVA(323-337) or with p(320-333) around established tumors delayed tumor growth. Our results show that tumor-related as well as tumor-unrelated but strong Th1 peptides may be useful for inducing CTL responses in tumor immunotherapy.